Paul Kappa, Legendary Liverpool singer and songwriter has held weekly residences at the world famous Cavern Club and sister venue, the Cavern Pub on Mathew Street in Liverpool for over 20 years and his place in Liverpool music history cemented in place with a brick in the wall of fame there. Lots of great original songs, like his masterpiece "Mdm Butterfly" sit alongside arrangements of classic tunes from Mötörhead to Dolly Parton, from Ravel to Led Zeppelin performed either solo or with the band AKB (Amazing Kappa Band) in electrifying weekly shows. It's a unique experience and a Liverpool classic.
The final professionally recorded version, backed by Wildflower, with strings arrangements by Rob Shepley, is now available on streaming services. Or you can buy the 10" vinyl single in the website shop or from Paul at gigs.